A look back at the BIG 2020 event, where Caroline Véran spoke on the subject of raison d’être.
During this event, Croissance bleue highlighted the new place of business in society. Caroline Véran, the company’s founder, explained the principle of raison d’être and the levers for growth and CSR enhancement.
Croissance Bleue’s presentation was structured around two events. The first was entitled “La raison d’être: nouveau levier d’organisation et de performance de l’entreprise”. The second was entitled “Raison d’être & RSE: understand and act!
About BIG 2020 by Bpifrance:
The BIG or Bpifrance Inno Génération event is back! With 500 workshops and conferences, 1,000 speakers, 70 top speakers and 50 personalities from the world of business making the news.
Throughout the day, speakers are expected to address various aspects of entrepreneurship. They will share their experience and reflect on collective intelligence, a unique opportunity to understand tomorrow’s challenges and the latest technological trends.
Big 2022 is one of Europe’s largest business gatherings. It’s the ideal professional event to fill your address book and meet professionals from all sectors.
Big 2020′ s guiding theme this year is FREEDOM.