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The impact of global warming on occupational health


Manon Moquet

Published on 4 October 2024

On June 20, 2024, we hosted a webinar on a hot topic: the impact of climate on occupational health. The aim of this event was to explore how climate change is influencing working conditions and employee health, as well as the measures that can be put in place to anticipate and mitigate these effects.

The webinar began with an overview of the impact of climate change on the workplace. From heat waves to extreme weather events and air quality, these phenomena are increasingly affecting the safety and well-being of workers. Speakers stressed that certain professions, particularly those exposed to high temperatures or working outdoors, are particularly vulnerable. The testimony of Vignerons engagés illustrates this point.

Prevention was also a central theme. Raising team awareness, improving ventilation systems, access to training in climate risk management: these are just some of the concrete ways in which we can anticipate the effects of climate change on health in the workplace. The webinar ended with a lively discussion. Our sincere thanks to all participants for their interest and contribution to this crucial debate. The webinar highlighted the importance of adapting to climate change in the world of work, and the key role of companies in protecting the health of their employees.

Click here to watch the Bpifrance Replay