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News > “Energy sobriety for businesses”…

“Energy sobriety for businesses” – Matinale BFM TV

RSE de la contrainte à l'opportunité

Caroline Véran

Published on 14 August 2023

Caroline Véran, founding CEO of Croissance Bleue, was a live guest on BFMTV ‘s December 7, 2022 morning show with Cédric Faiche on the importance of eco-gestures for energy sobriety, particularly in the tertiary sector as winter approaches.

Sobriété énergétique televised intervention BFMTV
Read Caroline Véran’s full speech here

Energy efficiency is an issue on which employees in the service sector can take action through eco-friendly gestures. If systematically applied, these gestures can immediately reduce the collective energy bill at no cost.

Indeed, employees in the service sector tend to think that eco gestures have an insignificant effect compared to the energy impact of industrial players. And yet, systematizing them can immediately reduce consumption and the collective energy bill, at no cost and with measurable impact.

Service sector employees tend to think that eco-actions have an insignificant effect compared to the energy impact of industrial players.

Caroline Véran, interview on December 7, 2022 BFMTV

ADEME’s first recommendations for energy efficiency include

Taking action on heating

The most important thing is to adjust the office temperature according to the presence of employees. A thermostat set at 19 degrees during the day, then 17 degrees when employees leave, and turning off the heating when the office is unoccupied for 48 hours or more, can reduce heating-related energy consumption by an average of at least 13%.

Taking action on lighting

It is necessary to switch off interior lighting when buildings are closed, and to reduce exterior lighting, particularly for advertising. In accordance with regulations, advertising lighting must be switched off by 1 a.m. at the latest. LEDs and all low-energy lighting are great ways of improving lighting while reducing its energy impact.

Acting on digital

To reduce energy bills, the aim is to raise employee awareness of the importance of regularly emptying mailboxes and avoiding bulky attachments. Wifi is the preferred choice, as it consumes less energy.

The key is to materialize the energy footprint of our digital uses. By way of illustration, a search engine query is equivalent to turning on a 100-watt light bulb for 30 seconds.

The key is to materialize the energy footprint of our digital uses

Caroline Véran, interview on December 7, 2022 BFMTV

In conclusion, eco-gestures offer an effective and immediate collective response. To enable employees to apply them more easily, the company must at the same time act consistently. By launching a sustainable transformation plan and setting environmental performance targets to adjust all its activities (product and service design, purchasing, production lines, business model, user experience…).

To make it easier for employees to apply them, the company must at the same time act consistently.

Caroline Véran, interview on December 7, 2022 BFMTV

The key is to ensure that corporate strategy is consistent with the efforts required of employees.
That’s why at Croissance Bleue we support companies in structuring and promoting their CSR approach, always with a view to ensuring that actions are consistent with corporate values.